I’m a PhD candidate at the Augmented Human Lab in the National University of Singapore. Currently, my work centers around the use of computational music and biofeedback to support interoception, emotion regulation and communication.
Outside of research, I jam on the keyboard and also dance West Coast Swing. Both are improvised forms bound by musical structure, that require sensitivity to what others are doing, and physical dexterity to respond.
Much of my research is informed by my experience as a musician and dancer. I feel very lucky to both live and work at the intersection of body, mind and music, and I hope that my work will contribute towards the development of interactive technologies that support wellbeing in novel and fulfilling ways.
You can find my full CV here.
Get in touch
If you’d like to collaborate, find out more about one of my projects, or just want to chat, please drop me a note!
Email (personal): phoebe (at) ahlab.org
Email (business): pchua (at) nus.edu.sg